Be Creative

There is nothing better than an ice cold piece of watermelon on a hot Summer day. This watermelon craft was inspired by one of our sweet summer favorites! It is also inexpensive to make with items you may have on hand! 

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Materials needed:


Cut out the center of one paper plate. 

You will need two paper plates (whole) and one just the center. 

Craft table ready to use! I use these silicone muffin cups to separate the paint. The colors needed are: red, green and light green (mix green, yellow and white). 

Place the cutout center piece onto another paper plate. This allows for messy paining! 🙂 Paint red.

Allow to dry while you work on the next plate. 

Using a new plate and new brush, paint the rim of the plate with green. followed by strokes (lines) of light green. It’s okay if paint gets on the center of the plate, this will be covered up in the end! 

Allow to dry.

Glue the red circle in the middle of the green rimmed paper plate. 

Glue the dried black beans onto the red. circle. 

The finished watermelon! The nice thing about using dried beans is it won’t attract bugs or melt in the heat like chocolate chips would! You could also dip a Q-tip in black paint for seeds as well if you don’t have beans on hand. 

She had a lot of fun making her watermelon paper plate! Her adorable watermelon dress can be found here! This one and this one are also cute options as well! 

This craft would be fun and easy to set up for kids to make at a BBQ or watermelon themed birthday party! We always like to incorporate some sort of activity for kids at parties that they can make and take home as souvenirs. 🙂 I hope your little one enjoys this craft as well! 

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